Does social media promote tribalism?

Does social media promote tribalism?

I asked a question This is a question I recently asked on the ATT Instagram account in preparation for a podcast episode we will be recording soon. Not surprisingly, most of the respondents answered “yes” but is that really what’s going on? You know...

iPad 2 – The purchase

Just a short post to tell you something you may have expexted… After much anticipation, the iPad2 was released into the Australian wild minutes ago, as I do not have an apple store near me, I chose to online ordering method, reserving my iPod 16 hours ahead of...

Apple Releases the iPad 2

Well it happened at 4am our time this auspicious morning, Apple released it’s hotly anticipated iPad2. In a succinct way, I just wanted to recap the highlights for those interested. The questions that have been on the mind of every gadget guru have been...


I know this is not in line with the theme of my blog… but I thought I would share it anyway. Some time ago I was linked to an internode blog article, for those of you who are not familiar with internode, they are an ISP (internet service provider) and they...

Geeky Nostalgia

The over-arching tone of my blog is indeed a Spiritual one, and that is not changing, however, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I was once well and truly ensconced in geekdom, that mysterious culture, where building computers and tinkering with cutting...

Video Camera

For a while now I have had the Sony DCRSR47S video camcorder, unfortunately like most other cameras in it’s price-range it records in mpeg2 meaning there is no real nice way or pulling it into an NLE like Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premier, so I have somewhat used...